Embrace new beginnings with this heartfelt new moon and nurturing energy

This new moon is like a warm hug from the cosmos, reminding us to take care of ourselves and those around us

Today’s new moon is at 14 degrees Cancer, and it’s a perfect new moon for planting seeds of intention and starting afresh. What's extra sweet about this new moon is that Venus is also in Cancer adding their special touch of sweetness, pleasure, enjoyment and love, and making it all about care - for yourself, those you love, and your home and spaces you care for. 🌙✨

Cancer energy is all about nurturing energy and then some! This new moon and Cancer season invites us to reminisce about our family, memories and reflect on the cherished relationships that made us who we are today. It's also like a warm hug from the cosmos, reminding us to take care of ourselves and those around us. Did you know that scientists did a study that shows reminiscing relieves stress and promotes feelings of relaxation and connection? I LOVE that and have been thinking about it a lot this season and new moon. 💖

But wait, there's more! Today isn't just about cozy feelings and nostalgia; it's a launching pad for something big. If you’ve been trying to take small actions toward a new intention or goal, this new moon is a powerful ally to help you. 🚀

As we soak in the vibes of this nurturing new moon, think about what makes you feel safe, nourished, and connected. It might be reaching out to new people, joining communities, or deepening existing relationships. Whatever it is, know that this nourishing new moon will support you now and in the future to create something lasting.

Let's cherish this moment of new beginnings and growth together ✨

I’m having a sale to celebrate this new moon! I’ve listed the details below, but I’m especially excited that I’m offering 30% off my 4 week 1:1 mentoring session, Slow Living Mentoring, that also includes a free astrology reading!

In this four week intensive, we will dive deep into your lifestyle and discover all the ways you can start tuning into how you’re feeling, what you’re self-care needs are, and what is and isn’t working for you in your daily life, routines and rituals at home, work and for your health and wellness.

We’ll work together to help you get in touch and listen to your intuition, give yourself the rest and rejuvenation you need, and start crossing things off your list that may be keeping you from the spaciousness in heart, mind, body and spirit that you deserve. 🌸

​Click here to learn more and book your 4 Week 1:1 Slow Living Mentoring session.

So, as you navigate today and the days ahead, take a moment to set your intentions. What do you want to nurture in your life? What small action can you take that aligns with your bigger dreams?


You can also find my blog posts on Medium and Substack.


5 tips on how to embody the energy of Venus in Leo